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Displaying 501 - 510 of 611 articles
Briefing / Africa

A New Sudan Action Plan

Despite the passage of important resolutions by the UN Security Council in the last week of March 2005, the situation in Sudan remains grave. In Darfur, where as many as 10,000 people or more, overwhelmingly civilians, continue to die each month, stronger measures are still needed to restore security and prevent further mass deaths.

Briefing / Africa

Shock Therapy for Northern Uganda's Peace Process

The peace process aimed at ending the eighteen-year old conflict in Northern Uganda is in critical condition because neither the Ugandan government nor the insurgent Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) appears fully committed to a negotiated solution.

Briefing / Asia

Nepal: Responding to the Royal Coup

King Gyanendra's seizure of power and arrest of democratic party leaders on 1 February 2005 will likely aid the Maoist insurgency and intensify the civil war.

Briefing / Asia

Afghanistan: Getting Disarmament Back on Track

The process of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of forces is crucial to creating the conditions for the Karzai government to extend its authority throughout the country and for establishing the rule of law, but its ultimate fate is still very uncertain.

Briefing / Africa

Peace in Northern Uganda: Decisive Weeks Ahead

The eighteen-year insurgency in Northern Uganda by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) – whose extreme brutality has displaced 1.6 million people and sparked an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC) – may finally be amenable to resolution.

Haiti's Transition: Hanging in the Balance

Almost a year after the abrupt departure of former President Aristide, the political, security and social-economic situation in Haiti remains in crisis.

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After Arafat? Challenges and Prospects

In the weeks since Yasir Arafat's death on 11 November 2004, the Palestinian leadership has undergone a surprisingly smooth and orderly transition. Israeli-Palestinian as well as Palestinian-Arab and Arab-Israeli relations are witnessing levels of cooperation and coordination not seen in years.

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