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Displaying 451 - 460 of 611 articles

Serbia’s New Constitution: Democracy Going Backwards

Premier Vojislav Kostunica won a high stakes gamble with passage of Serbia’s draft constitution in the 28-29 October referendum. However, numerous credible reports indicate the process was deeply flawed and the result falsified. The referendum cannot be characterised as either free or fair. The new constitution could prove a step away from European values.

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Uzbekistan: Europe’s Sanctions Matter

After the indiscriminate killing of civilians by Uzbek security forces in the city of Andijon in 2005, the European Union imposed targeted sanctions on the government of President Islam Karimov.

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Haiti: Security and the Reintegration of the State

Security is the core challenge for new President René Préval and the UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH).

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Tougher Challenges Ahead for Colombia’s Uribe

President Alvaro Uribe was overwhelmingly reelected in May 2006, two months after parties supporting him won large majorities in the Congress.

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Briefing / Africa

Getting the UN into Darfur

The impasse over deploying a major UN peacekeeping force to Darfur results directly from the international community’s three-year failure to apply effective diplomatic and economic pressure on Sudan’s government and its senior officials.

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Briefing / Africa

Securing Congo’s Elections: Lessons from the Kinshasa Showdown

Hours before the first-round results of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s presidential elections were to be announced in Kinshasa on 20 August 2006, violence erupted between troops loyal to Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba and those loyal to the incumbent, Joseph Kabila, providing dramatic proof of the fragility of the electoral process.

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Briefing / Africa

Peace in Northern Uganda?

The peace talks in Juba between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government have made surprising progress, with a formal cessation of hostilities agreement signed on 26 August.

Briefing / Africa

Côte d’Ivoire: Stepping Up the Pressure

Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny has been unable to implement the roadmap that was to have secured for Côte d’Ivoire a democratically legitimated government. As happened a year ago, there will be no presidential election on the date (currently 31 October 2006) mandated by the UN Security Council.

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Briefing / Asia

Papua: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

No part of Indonesia generates as much distorted reporting as Papua, the western half of New Guinea that has been home to an independence movement since the 1960s.

Briefing / Asia

After North Korea's Missile Launch: Are the Nuclear Talks Dead?

The North Korea nuclear negotiations have stalled, and the prospects for future progress are dim.

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